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I paint realism in acrylics. My work usually falls into one of the following categories, however, I also paint other subject matter such as landscapes and still lifes.


A painted portrait that captures the personaility of someone is truly unique. Many people find their painting to convey far more sentiment than a photo. Photos can be printed ad infinitum but a painting is one of a kind. Whether you want to capture the energy of your children before they grow up or have a lasting memento of a friend, parent or grandparent, a portrait painting is a gift or keepsake like no other.

Pets and animals

Your pets are part of your family and a painting of your pet is a great way to celebrate all the joy they’ve given you. And not just your pets; members of the animal kingdom make for great painting subject matter. I’ve painted birds, farmyard animals and more exotic fauna so there are no limits on which animals I can paint.


Many people hang prints of well-known paintings but I can take it a huge step further. I can reproduce old paintings in a highly accurate way so you can have an old masters painting hanging in your home. I’ve copied paintings by Rembrandt van Rijn, John Singer Sargent, John William Waterhouse, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Claude Monet, John Everett Millais and many more.

You truly see her. Wow. This is absolutely incredible.

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